Deoproce Hair Care

Plaukų kondicionierius Deoproce Green Tea Henna Pure Refresh Rinse

Plaukų kondicionierius - Deoproce Green Tea Henna Pure Refresh Rinse — nuotrauka N1
prekės kodas: 520270
  • Aprašymas
  • Aprašymas
  • Naudojimo būdas
  • Amžius: 18+
    Prekės ženklas: deoproce
    Linija: hair care
    Produkto tipas: plaukų kondicionerius, plaukų skalavimo skystis
    Prekių paskirtis: drėkinimas, gaivinančios priemonės, maitinimas, minkštinimo priemonės, priemonės nuo pleiskanų, stiprinimas
    Odos tipas: visų tipų
    Talpa: 1000 ml
    Sudėtis: vitaminas e
    Naudojimo laikas: universalus
    Lytis: moterims
    Klasifikacija: mass market
    Plaukų tipas: pažeisti
    Šalis: Korėja
    Pagaminta: Korėja
  • Deoproce brand hair conditioner offers an opportunity to restore curls along the entire length after the first application. Extracts of henna and green tea smooth and heal the strands along the entire length, removing the static charge and making combing easier. It increases softness and silkiness, while other ingredients replenish skin cells with useful substances, preventing dryness, brittleness and dehydration of the strands.

    Benefits of Deoproce Green Tea Henna Pure Refresh Rinse:

    - suitable for all hair types and oily scalp;
    - intensively conditions and softens the curls along the entire length;
    - tones and refreshes strands;
    - protects from free radicals;
    - prevents cell oxidation;
    - slows down the ageing;
    - thickens the strands;
    - accelerates the growth of hair follicles;
    - prevents brittleness and hair loss;
    - smoothes the surface of curls;
    - keeps split ends together;
    - increases elasticity and firmness;
    - eliminates dryness and tangling;
    - combats dandruff;
    - eliminates seborrheic fungus;
    - vitamin E improves blood circulation;
    - strengthens the roots;
    - stimulates the production of collagen;
    - hyaluronic acid retains moisture in the intercellular space;
    - restores the smoothness and obedience of the strands;
    - regulates the production of sebum;
    - prevents the appearance of itching and irritation;
    - contains thiamine, extracts of Green Tea, Henna and Camellia;
    - ensures an antioxidant effect;
    - prevents strands from falling out;
    - increases silkiness and softness;
    - removes the static charge.

  • Rinse hair with shampoo and towel dry. Squeeze some conditioner onto hand and distribute it evenly over the entire length of the curls. Wait for a few minutes and then wash off with water. The product is suitable for frequent use.

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