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Fresh Juice Средства для ванны

Пена для ванны "Клубника и красная восковница" Fresh Juice Strawberry and Red Bayberry

Пена для ванны "Клубника и красная восковница" - Fresh Juice Strawberry and Red Bayberry — фото N1
Пена для ванны "Клубника и красная восковница" - Fresh Juice Strawberry and Red Bayberry — фото N2
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код товара: 233327
  • Characteristics
  • Возраст: 18+
    Бренд: Fresh Juice
    Серия: средства для ванны
    Группа товара: пена для ванны
    Назначение: увлажнение
    Тип кожи: все типы
    Объем: 1000 ml
    Ингредиенты: bananas, pieno proteinai, клубника, протеины
    : braškė
    Время применения: универсальный
    Пол: унисекс
    Классификация: масс маркет
    Страна ТМ: Украина
    Сделано в: Украина
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  • Translated Review

    Ši serija yra tiesiog fantastiška! Jau išbandžiau keletą kvapų iš jos. Jie kvepia maloniai ir turi puikų įvairumą.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Put the review through a machine translator, and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the review through a machine translator and then make necessary adjustments:

    Put the

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Malonaus kvapo, gerai putosi, putos išlieka ilgai, 20-30 minučių.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Aroma man primena beržino uogas.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Puiki putos. Į vonią supilu vieną dangtelį ir ji uždengia visą vandens paviršių putomis. Ji išlieka pakankamai ilgai man, apie pusvalandį.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Aš naudoju šios prekės muilus, dušo želė ir putas ir visada esu patenkintas. Išbandžiau putas su visais skirtingais aromatais ir jos visos nuostabios! Kiekvieną kartą, kai juos matau pardavime, visada perkupu kažkiek papildomai. Kvapai yra fantastiški ir burbuliukai ilgai išlieka vonioje.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Put the foam into the bathtub, but make sure to pour 3-4 caps in order to spread it evenly and avoid any empty areas. The foam is excellent and stays for approximately 20 minutes before it completely vanishes.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Šis putplastis yra nuostabus! Išbandžiau visus kvapus ir kaina yra visiškai fantastiška. Jis visiškai nesausina mano odos.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Geras produktas, turi malonų kvapą ir gerai putosi.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Visiškai įsimylėjau šią putą.

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