Real Fresh
Пенка для умывания лица с ягодами клюквы Neogen Dermalogy Real Fresh Foam Cranberry
Минимальная цена*
160 g
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код товара: 542022
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- Characteristics
Бренд: Neogen
Серия: real fresh
Группа товара: пенка для умывания
Назначение: nuo paraudimo, восстановление, от купероза, от первых признаков старения, от черных точек, питание, смягчение, увлажнение
Объем: 160 g
Ингредиенты: argano aliejus, bananas, арника, гиалуроновая кислота, лимон, мед, пантенол, папайя, растительные экстракты, рис
: nekomedogeninė (neužkemšanti porų)
Время применения: универсальный
Пол: для женщин
Классификация: натуральная
Тип кожи: все типы
Страна ТМ: Корея
Сделано в: Корея
Neogen Dermalogy Real Fresh Foam Cranberry
Бесплатная доставка от 19€
100% Оригинальная продукция!
Veido valymo putos su spanguolių uogomis - Neogen Dermalogy Real Fresh Foam Cranberry
Putų konsistencija yra labai lengva ir turi malonų aromatą. Buvo nustebinta rasti uogų plūduriuojančių butelio dugne :)
Kol kas nepastebėjau jokių ypatingų efektų, tačiau po naudojimo nėra jokių išbėrimų ar įtampos. Po plauties oda tampa minkšta ir maloni paliesti. Nereikia daug produkto, vienas paspaudimas ant dozatoriaus pakanka. Naudžiu kartu su hidrofiliniu aliejumi.
Nieko panašaus dar nemačiau - tokį ilgą ingredientų sąrašą. Puta yra itin švelni, kaip purus debesėlis, ji gerai valo be jokių aštrių pojūčių. Po naudojimo nėra jokių nemalonumų, mano oda jaučiasi kaip aksominė ir netgi švyti.
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Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
Put it in a coherent and free from grammatical errors, illogical phrases, and combinations:
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