Algo Naturel Face Care

Veido kaukė "Skaistinanti" Algo Naturel Masque Peel-Off

Veido kaukė "Skaistinanti" - Algo Naturel Masque Peel-Off — nuotrauka N1
Veido kaukė "Skaistinanti" - Algo Naturel Masque Peel-Off — nuotrauka N2
Veido kaukė "Skaistinanti" - Algo Naturel Masque Peel-Off — nuotrauka N3
prekės kodas: 597694
  • Aprašymas
  • Aprašymas
  • Naudojimo būdas
  • Amžius: 18+
    Prekės ženklas: algo naturel
    Linija: face care
    Produkto tipas: veido kaukė
    Prekių paskirtis: atstatymo priemonės, drėkinimas, nuo pigmentinių dėmių, šviesinančios priemonės
    Talpa: 25 g, 200 g
    Veido kaukės rūšis: alginatinė
    Naudojimo laikas: universalus
    Lytis: moterims
    Klasifikacija: profesionali
    Odos tipas: visų tipų
    Šalis: Prancūzija
    Pagaminta: Prancūzija
  • The products of the Algo Naturel brand are based on carefully combined, well-selected ingredients. And Brightening Face Mask is no exception. Its active formula merges Alginate and extracts of the Baikal Skullcap, Creeping Saxifrage, and Grape. Such ingredients, in combination with other components, prevent the accumulation of pigments, help maintain skin freshness and optimal hydro-balance, and improves the overall condition of the skin.

    Benefits of Algo Naturel Brightening Face Mask:

    - helps to brighten pigmentation and blemishes;
    - contains plant extracts that prevent irritation and inflammation;
    - supplies skin tissues with beneficial nutrients;
    - has regenerating and whitening properties;
    - refreshes and evens out the complexion.

  • Prepare the mask immediately before the procedure. Dilute the mask with cold water (20°C) or an activator in a ratio of 25g of the mask per 80ml of water. Apply a thick layer of the formula (3-5 mm) with a spatula to the entire face, including the eyes and lips. After 5 - 6 min. the mask freezes. Leave it on the face for 25-30 minutes, and then remove the mask gently in one move.

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